Binding Arbitration and Right-to-Cure, Is Your State Next?

We are up against a powerful industry that has already successfully lobbied at least 31 states to pass "Right to Cure" laws, and they are intent on pilfering even more of our consumer rights.

The NAHB Research Center is a subsidiary of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).  In their report titled:  "Making the Quality Connection: Improving the Building Industry Insurance Situation Through Quality Assurance Programs" the Research Center lists one of their objectives as:  To reform limits of liability, to limit the frequency of litigation, and reduce excessive punitive damage judgments while still providing consumer protection.
"Action steps recommended:

These steps don't provide consumer protection; they negate consumer protection!

In 1994, NAHB and the American Arbitration Association (AAA) were instrumental in helping builders to put arbitration clauses in their contracts to the extent that you can no-longer build a new home in Texas without an arbitration clause.  Binding Mandatory Arbitration is a private, for-profit system that strips tax-paying Americans of their rights to use the American court system to solve a disagreement, no matter how important the issue.  The judges, called arbitrators, do not have to make a determination based on our country's laws, or even justify their decisions.  Incredibly, the arbitrator's decision can then be filed as a final judgment in a court, even if that verdict is contrary to consumer law.  In the end, you must abide by the decision and have no right to appeal because Binding Mandatory Arbitration (BMA) clauses are "binding."

From Consumer Reports:  "Governments have little incentive to make consumer protection a priority.  "Construction defects are a very political thing, and everyone wants to dance around that," says Elizabeth Owen, executive director of the National Association of Consumer Agency Administrators, whose members are consumer-agency officials across the United States. Builders, developers, and real-estate companies are among the most influential political constituencies, and are often heavy campaign contributors.  And, new housing helps swell tax rolls."

As I said, we are up against a powerful force; it will take many, many of us to join this "Campaign for Change."  This is your call to action; please take a stand.  See how YOU can help - at no cost, and tell your friends!

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